Friday, January 9, 2009

Seasons of motherhood

There was a time - not too long ago - that i had things pretty organized as far as my home and family goes! we had three kiddos, 2 girls and 1 boy - and i dare say we had a system - a method to the madness. FAST FORWARD to 2 more babies, both girls, and, yes, a puppy (there's the boy) - lets total that - cuz its my life - and I'm confused!! - so, now we have five kiddy poos - ages 9,7,6,2, and 10 months, and a 4 month old puppy! The line up goes: girl, boy, girl, girl, girl, and boy (dog). Oh my stinkin' heaven! Are ya with me?! So, now, it is just basically complete chaos - to put it gently! And i have found myself on this path to somehow find structure and organization in our lives once again - did i mention there is a home business thrown in there too?! I have read, and investigated all kinds of systems. I have spent money, honey (sidebar - does anyone else LOVE LOVE LOVE Mama Mia?! - you should also know i have what i lovingly call "Mom ADHD" - and it is just that - a million thoughts all at once trying to make their way out of me in some sort of organized manner - i am convinced this is a direct side effect from all the multi-tasking that we do as mothers!) Moving on- I have spent money on countless programs, promising to bring my home order and calm - and does anyone really believe that's gonna happen during this exact "season" in my life?! I'll tell you, that's a big, fat Negative, Good Buddy! So, here i am, committed to embrace this season, instead of fight it - and in the process, maybe, just maybe, i will find the peace and joy i am looking for in our home thru the little things each day. . .


  1. Hey lady!! Finally got a blog! I guess I better now. Love you and your cute family!

  2. Cute blog! I look forward to hearing about your crazy life!...and I know you better than that and know that you are pretty organized. You manage to do tons of stuff....and always look great doing it! Love ya!
