Saturday, January 10, 2009

I'm not old enough to drive a minivan

When we discovered we were pregnant with our 3rd, we knew it was time increase our car's holding capacity. Now, for most, three kids can fit in any car - but, we are not most. We are that crazy couple, that had their first 3 kids in 3 years. That's right - our 3rd baby was due on - -none other than - our first daughters 3rd birthday. which also happened to be December 19. Well, she came on December 26 - so, Savannah was a whopping 3 years and 7 days old,and Mason was 14 months old. Clearly, our regular sized car would not fit three 5 point harness carseats across the back seat. So, we were in the market for a new car. a bigger car. About two weeks before we had Gracie, my husband calls and says he has found it. He wants me to go with him to pick it up after work tonight. I knew this day was coming. We had discussed it - and i knew this was the smartest move, with three babies, and getting 3 carseats buckled and unbuckled, loaded and unloaded - and another C-Section delivery around the corner - it just made sense. We would get a minivan.
It was nice. Basically new - in great condition. Silver with grey interior. A few bells and whistles. I tried to be excited. We bought it, he handed me the keys, and said, "Ok babe, see you at home." I cried the whole way home. No matter how i turned it - i just did not feel "hot" in that minivan!! Lets be honest - I did not even feel semi cute. Is this spoiled? Yeah, probably. But, i'm just keepin' it real, ladies.
And so it was. For the next 4 years, we took that minivan everywhere. It took a serious beating. Bottles, sippy cups, fries, chicken nuggets, a few sick kids - sticky crap in the tracks beneath the seats - which became a magnet to every crumb or morsel that was dropped. Filthy? Yes, filthy. The silver minivan eventually became known affectionately as "Wilbur". What's a Wilbur? Lets examine this. Its a He. He is old, for sure. He is loyal, basic. Does he have a smell? Yeah, i would say that when you say the name "Wilbur" - it conjures up a certain smell in your mind - like grandpa cologne. . . maybe Old Spice. He's a good egg, for sure. But, he's not picking you up and taking you out dancing or for a night on the town! And even though "Wilbur" makes you think of a tall, skinny guy - he's kind of hunched over - and its easy to be frumpy around him - cuz he doesn't try to "keep up with the Jones' - he doesn't even know the Jones'."
So - Fast forward to December of 2007. Since we bought Wilbur, we have added another child to the mix, and are in fact pregnant with yet another. Wilbur can handle this. Two of my kids are old enough, that having 3 across the back row of the van no longer creates a car seat dilemma. But, i have grown tired of Wilbur. I to be taken out on the town. I want to pull up to a stop light and think the guy looking at me is thinking, "she's cute" - even if he really is just looking at one of my kids in the seat behind me sticking out their tongue at him - in my world, I'm cute right then! So, i say to my hubby, "Babe, I need a cute car - I am too young to drive a minivan!" And he says, "Yeah, but you are probably also too young to have 5 kids!" So much for sympathy.
Two weeks later, my husband arrives home and honks in the driveway. The Kiddos and I walk outside. . . and there she is: Shakira. She is hot. She is not waiting to be taken dancing - she is the dancer! She is gold with leather (I had never had leather before in a car). She has every bell and whistle. I don't know anything about rims, except for she has sweet ones! Lol! Oh my good gravy - mama is going dancing tonight! The kids and I all load up in our jammies and drive up to my BFF's house (a quarter mile away - big trip!) and lay on the horn til' she comes out! She shares in my bliss! And then it hits both of us - What about Wilbur? Eww. I feel like I'm cheating on him. And then, reality sets in: it's just a car. They are all just cars. But still. . . i feel cuter in this car. :)

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I've said that many times. We've even gone as far as test driving a few, but it was just too much car for us--I only have one child and one one way (and that will probably be it will our struggles). So, my new Pilot suits me just fine. I need some visuals. give me so pictures mama! glad you've joined the land of blogging.
