Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Yep. I'm going there. . .

Ever notice how some women are all prim and proper - and others just let it all hang out?! So - i was thinking about this the other day - trying to figure out what makes us one way or the other - and here's what i came up with!
First of all, I think it depends on how many kids you have had - i mean - let's be honest. With every prego adventure, we are slapping our swollen ankles (with nothing but the paper sheet and socks on) up into the stir-ups over and over again. and, just to keep it real - it's important to point out that towards the end, we can't even see what the Vajayjay doctor sees - this is some major trust we have granted! And, further more, at some point or another during this most invasive adventure of fetus growing, we just seem to throw our hands in the air and give up on the grooming issue - unless your Mr. Right is really willing and loving - and you feel like throwing that out there. So, here we are, larger than we ever thought we could possibly be, basically like a turtle (if you end up flat on your back at this point - you are, very possibly, stuck!) and we head to the hospital, willing to do just about ANYTHING to not be pregnant anymore - ( if someone had told us, nine months prior, that at some point, towards the end, if someone gave us the choice to be thrown into labor, and all the blood, sweat, and tears that involves - OR - go home and wait one more day. . . and then we were told that we would unequivocally choose labor - NOW! - we would have thought that person had been hit one too many times with the cuckoo stick!) But, on we go, toward labor, the place where we will lose all sense of privacy. So, this, i think, is where the number of kids we have comes into play with the whole prim and proper or not theme. The more times we do this, the more we let go of this theme of keeping it all pulled together for the outside world. And eventually, this seeps out into every aspect of our lives. It starts little. One of our friends rides in our car somewhere. . . and we choose not to pick it up first. Or, we know our mother in law is stopping by, and we no longer kill our self to make the house and kids look perfect. But from here - watch our sista - welcome to the spiral effect! the visiting teachers pop in, at 4 pm, and we answer the door in jammies with spit up on them - and heaven forbid they ask to come in - cuz, they are about to wade their way through laundry to find a seat - and then, you think you will be clever, and pull off "mom of the year", and say something like, "i was just building tunnels with the kids. . . with all .. . this laundry. . " and it is too late, because now, instead of looking like a busy and exhausted mother, you are a busy exhausted mother telling little white lies! Ugh! and so it is - Here are your choices during motherhood: 1) Try to pull off Prim and Proper, OR 2) Throw your fat ankles up in those stir-ups, and say "Have at it, Doc." - and remember - this season, too, will pass. :)


  1. When I read the Vegas trip again I about died. So funny! I don't know how but you bring these stories to life in the funniest ways...love it
